BETA discusses the Amsterdam Condition at Recyclart in Brussels
Date : 01.03.19

BETA lectures on the Amsterdam Condition at Recyclart in Brussels

Recyclart on the lecture:

“In March we will visit our Northern neighbors. Our guide through the city will be Evert Klinkenberg of BETA. He’ll take us to different parts of the city to show us how these areas are changing. To start off, he’ll illustrate the site of their office. BETA office for archietcture and the city (2015) is based at the NDSM in Northern Amsterdam. From this former shipyard (once the largest in Europe) and current cultural hotspot, BETA tries to enrich the city through their projects.”

About Reycyclart

Recyclart originated in the ambition to bring new life into the area around Brussels Kapellekerk station and its surroundings through an original urban, artistic and social-economical project. The initial endeavor has since evolved into a perpetuous project combining lectures and exhibitions with education programs for the unemployed.

more about the lecture here