Winning bid for Strandeiland
Date : 13.06.24

Winning bid for Strandeiland

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve won the Strandeiland bid!

In a team with architects LEVS, MEESVISSER, landscape architect DELVA, and client AM, BETA won the bid to design 344 homes with several material and social innovations.

Strandeiland is part of the IJburg archipelago: a group of artificial islands on the Eastern flank of Amsterdam. Strandeiland is the 5th and final inhabited island after Steigereiland, Haveneiland, Rieteiland and Centrumeiland. A total of 8.000 new homes will be built on Strandeiland, 80 percent of which will be in the regulated sector.

Strandeiland M3 quite literally builds on BETA’s research into intergenerational living. The homes are designed around social interaction between generations: housing plans are flexible to make them suitable for the different phases in life, while generous arcades facilitate social exchange. Besides the 344 homes, Strandeiland M3 contains a spacious mobility hub, commercial functions and a health center. The collective design strategy contains a number of material innovations. Above the re-used concrete foundations, all buildings will be realized using structural mass timber and other biobased materials.

Visit the project page for more information.